Month: March 2020
Power BI is one of the most sought-after BI tools in the Analytics world. The Power BI users enjoy its ETL capabilities, immersive visuals, and plenty of user-friendly features. However, most users often face challenges in optimizing the performance of Power BI Dashboards. Here are the tips to improve the performance of your Power BI […]
Tableau is a popular tool that offers a wide array of beautiful and interactive visualizations. Users often come across scenarios where they need to export data from Tableau to Excel. Tableau allows users to choose between exporting the filtered data underlying a visualization or the whole dataset from a data source. It also provides the […]
From BI Connector’s recent release v4.10, the users can upgrade to future versions of BI Connector without manual uninstallation of the existing version. We’ve also made another useful update in v4.10 that allows users to access the Advanced Settings and license activation windows directly from the start menu! Let’s take a look at these updates […]
Organizations today want to stay informed when it boils down to allowing data access to a third-party solution. The trial users evaluating BI Connector’s Power BI to OBIEE connector have frequently enquired about the reference architecture to analyze the connectivity between Power BI to OBIEE through BI Connector. BI Connector team has always been transparent […]