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Are You Putting Your OBIEE Data at Risk When Using Tableau?

The Pros and Cons of DIY

With more people data coding than ever before – and many learning at home – intelligence auditing has become a more voluminous industry than ever before. On the darker side, it’s also become one that’s induced patchy self-made programs which can not only be defeasible, but potentially dangerous to both your machine and your information. Potentially, we’re talking about muddling your other software, taking control of your computer, or even compromising your personal data to expose you to possible identity theft. And when the subject of your company’s valuable OBIEE data is on the cards, you don’t really want to be taking any of those risks.

Creating your own scripts to import OBIEE data might give you a little more programming leeway, but there’s no guarantee that your data is totally secure. If you are using homespun SQL, importing data from a physical model in OBIEE to Tableau can be awkward and time-consuming. More importantly, at the end of it, your precious business logic might not be reused or exposed properly, since SQL requires continuous maintenance and development to keep pace with schema changes. Hence, real-time access to OBIEE won’t become as readily available as with a brand-built thoroughly tested system, since the transfer flow between data and intelligence will most likely be stagnated at some point in the process due to those issues.

Yes, it’s possible to implement row level data to enable specific access to designated users, but setting up those levels can also be a long-winded process. At any rate, row level security requires each user to carry a database account; but the more accounts that exist, the bigger potential for hacker exploitation.

Opting For a Product With Promise

Instead, if you choose to utilize a product like BI Connector over custom SQL creation, those safety concerns are practically omitted. BI Connector operates by automatically connecting securely to the OBIEE presentation layer, so queries from Tableau are immediately translated and optimized using your OBIEE server. Instead of worrying about maintenance issues materializing as you’re pulling data in from OBIEE with a custom SQL, BI Connector’s data transactions carry implicit self-maintenance; meaning you can just focus on preparing report catalogs from Tableau.

Using an OBIEE username and password, you’re able to access the same security model, which has a powerful BI server and rich safeguarding features, so you can be sure that data is protected from any unauthorized access. Because BI connector’s server edition is specifically designed for unvarying streams from Tableau servers to OBIEE, data publication also carries enhanced security; meaning that you eradicate any breaching risks when importing and exporting Excel reports and SQL data access.

Looking to start transferring OBIEE data safely? Take us up on our free trial.

OBIEE to Tableau

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