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Stay tuned, BI Connector is soon to be a Tableau certified connector for OBIEE.

The need for Tableau certified Connector for OBIEE

BI Connector provides an easy and efficient solution to transition users from OBIEE to Tableau, Tableau Prep, Power BI and Qlik. Regardless of whether you plan to retain OBIEE or migrate eventually from OBIEE to the new visualization platform, BI Connector enables users to visualize OBIEE subject areas and reports with their favorite tool using their own OBIEE credentials. Users securely access only the data that they are authorized to access in OBIEE. With BI Connector, users eliminate the manual, cumbersome and repetitive export/import of OBIEE data. IT teams benefit from a smooth transition of users to data visualization tools without expensive re-engineering, testing, or retraining.

Until now, Tableau users connected to OBIEE with BI Connector using the Other Databases (ODBC) as the connector type in Tableau Desktop. While it works well, there are a few minor issues:

  • Going through the Other Databases(ODBC) is not intuitive. Users prefer to access BI Connector just like any other native connector developed by Tableau.
  • Creating support tickets with Tableau for issues in Tableau Desktop is challenging when using third party connectors.

Tableau Certified Connector Program

To address these issues, Tableau announced a certification program to certify the technology partner’s custom connector and make them available directly in Tableau Connector UI. Technology partners like BI Connector can use this plugin framework to embed their connector solution in Tableau UI and get it certified by Tableau. This would also enable Tableau to provide a channel for awareness and support of certified custom connectors. Please note that the support for the individual connectors will be provided by the partner(developer) and not Tableau.

BI Connector as a certified Tableau connector

BI Connector team is collaborating with Tableau to certify and embed our BI Connector in the Tableau Desktop. BI Connector will be automatically available in the Tableau desktop connector list. After download and installing BI Connector in your machine, you can easily find BI Connector under the Tableau desktop connector list and visualize your valuable OBIEE data on Tableau effectively.

With this certification, BI Connector will become the only certified OBIEE custom connector for both Tableau and Power BI.

Check out a preview of the Tableau certified connector for OBIEE:

Availability of Certified BI Connector

Tableau has currently released the custom connector framework as a beta, so the BI Connector custom connector for Tableau is also in beta. Tableau is planning to officially release the custom connector feature in Tableau Desktop 2019.4 version (Please verify with your Tableau team for the release date and availability). BI Connector certified custom connector will be available at the same time.

Until then, you can continue to use the BI Connector through Other Databases(ODBC) approach to visualize OBIEE Subject Areas and Reports. Download BI Connector and try it free for 30 days here.

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Tags: biconnector, OBIEE, Tableau

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