Month: January 2017
The Pros and Cons of DIY With more people data coding than ever before – and many learning at home – intelligence auditing has become a more voluminous industry than ever before. On the darker side, it’s also become one that’s induced patchy self-made programs which can not only be defeasible, but potentially dangerous to […]
According to Information Age, artificial intelligence is soon set to far outweigh slower manual services that humans provide: 2017 is set to be the year of automation. In particular, administrative and reporting work have been sought out as two of the top industries in which automated processes have seen more efficient and profitable results in comparison […]
Dashboard visualization is data’s next big thing. Our natural processing capabilities simply work better in response to well-presented information – and programs like Tableau have soon caught on. With state-of-the art and highly operative graphics, it seems that Tableau can somehow transform big data into something beautiful to look at. But more importantly, it carries […]